Air Quality - A Tease and a Warning

Last week I decided that this Wednesday's "Four the Future" would be about air quality, and I assembled the post. But tonight, I'm just going to make a quick mention that, in the interim, the Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency (SRCAA) has issued a stage two burn ban within the Smoke Control Zone due to poor air quality conditions.

According to the Spokesman-Review (Agency orders ban on burning, January 4, 2010), the last two times a stage two ban had been ordered were in April 1998 and February 1993. A stage two burn ban means that wood burning may only be employed if your home has no other source of heat. People with respiratory disease are urged to stay indoors and avoid exertion.

SRCAA states on their web site that the burn ban will remain in effect until air conditions warrant it be lifted. A storm capable of clearing out the tainted air may come by the weekend.

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